Big Data Development Services



"Big data" or Big Data technology is a technology that deals with a large volume of data - both structured and unstructured - that fills up the business libraries every day. Proper collection and analysis of big data on various factors gives companies an understanding of key indicators, which leads to more effective decision-making and strategic business steps.

Data Storage

The big data storage system clusters numerous standard servers connected to large-capacity disks to successfully support the analytical software needed to work with large data volumes. The system uses databases with massive parallel processing for analyzing data obtained from various sources.

Data Management

Big data management includes many traditional data modeling and architecture approaches but also involves a new set of technologies and processes that ensure broader data access and ease of use.

Data Visualization

Big data visualization is the process of displaying data in forms such as diagrams, charts, maps, and other visual formats. It is used to help businesses easily understand and quickly interpret their data, as well as to clearly demonstrate the trends and patterns that emerge from the data.

Data Analytics

Big data analytics investigates large data volumes to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and other insights. Modern technologies allow for analyzing these data and getting business answers regarding information and trends almost instantly.


Explore these critical stages, from analysis to maintenance, and empower your business with cutting-edge technology!

Analyzing The Task

Determine what the main goal is for developing a Big Data solution and the tasks that it aims to address.

  • Goal Identification: Clearly determine what you aim to achieve with the Big Data solution.

  • Task Analysis: Break down the broader goal into specific, actionable tasks that the solution needs to address.

  • Preliminary Solutions Review: Understand potential approaches and preliminary solutions to ensure a solid foundation for development.

Specifications for Big Data

Detail the data that you will deal with and the technical side of the project implementation. A step-by-step plan for the work is critical.

  • Data Detailing: Specify the types of data you will handle, including sources, volume, and variety.

  • Technical Specifications: Outline the technical infrastructure and software requirements needed to support the Big Data solution.

  • Step-by-Step Plan: Develop a comprehensive plan that details each phase of the project implementation process.

Develop the software structure, create a prototype and a mockup. Visualization of the future solution is key for both you and your developers.

  • Software Structure Development: Design the underlying structure of the software to ensure it can handle complex data processing tasks.

  • Prototype Creation: Build prototypes and mockups to visualize how the final product will function.

  • Visualization Importance: Emphasize the importance of visual tools for clarifying project goals and facilitating developer understanding.

Designing and Prototyping
Software Development for Big Data

Create software that processes large data volumes, as well as an interface for interacting with it. The technical realization of your big data solution is crucial.

  • Software Construction: Develop the core software components that will handle extensive data processing.

  • Interface Development: Create a user-friendly interface that allows for effective interaction with the Big Data system.

  • Technical Realization: Ensure the technical realization aligns with the defined specifications and business goals.


Verify the correct functioning and ensure that there are no errors in the software product. Your Big Data software is refined and ready for launch.

  • Functionality Testing: Conduct comprehensive tests to verify that all features work as intended.

  • Error Checking: Identify and rectify any issues or bugs within the software.

  • Refinement: Refine the software based on test results to prepare it for deployment.

Implementation and Maintenance

Implement the Big Data solution into your business and assist in setting up the processes. Your tool is ready to analyze all incoming data.

  • Deployment: Implement the solution into the existing business infrastructure.

  • Ongoing Support and Growth: Provide continuous support and updates to enhance the tool’s capabilities and help your business grow through data-driven insights.

  • Process Setup: Assist in setting up the necessary processes to fully utilize the Big Data tool.